The Mark Olympia


The Mark Olympia has been serving classic Italian food for more than two decades. We are now focusing only on Pizza alla Romana and have begun by serving Pizza al Taglio.

Yes we offer To Go, just give us a call 360.754.4414 or pop in and we will get it ready for you.

Sample Menu – menu may change based on seasons and availability.

The Mark celebrates the balance of health and decadence. We enjoy to support local and organic agriculture as much as possible in our work.

Our Pizza alla Romana is both delicious and healthy. We use a precise mix of flour, water, sour dough yeast, extra virgin olive oil, and sea salt. With a dough maturation time at 48 to 54 hours. During this process enzymes and yeast work together to breakdown sugars making our Pizza more digestible. Our guests love our crust that is crisp, but also, aerated and light.

There are no hidden animal fats in our preparation, the only oil used is extra virgin olive oil. We use our sea salt with moderation. This keeps our vegan pizza’s while quite tasty, much lower calorically, and exceptionally heart healthy.


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